Don't Process Me

Don't Process Me

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Just Enough

"Just Enough" is the holy grail of Process, and I am on a quest.

Emergent and responsive process that allows rather than restricts. Minimum Viable Process that puts little or no burden on participants. Supported and automatic process that minimizes frustration and maximizes throughput. Clear and communicated process that allows people to understand how vision and values translate into action. 

But that's not what we have, not right now, not often. More often we have big P Process that controls and limits the actions of humans to a set of rules and responsibilities that demand specific behaviour and provide little scope for creativity or editorial license. These processes weigh heavily. They reduce people's sense of accountability and commitment. They fail to harness the thing we are paying for - the amazingness of a human being who cares about the goals we've set and doing something they know well.  

I want to unburden the human workforce from the heavy yoke of process by using...process.

Have I mentioned I'm attracted to irony?

Good group process allows the agility of maintaining minimal process. Smart and responsive process reduces stress and errors. Anyone paying attention already knows that's what we've figured out so far about how systems work under capitalism. We also know, for a fact, that people are creative, playful, sometimes lazy creatures who get bored easily. Too much process mechanizes them. So where is the line?

That's the line I practice walking, every day. Good group process that allows for minimal process burden. 

How? I'll tell you what - over the next few years, I'll share what I know,  you do the same, and together we'll all make better Living out of making a living. 

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